Empowering Through Education

Empowering Through Education

Monday, February 24, 2014

Leadership Training Opp for YOUth!

Looking for something to do Friday? Come to the Youth Leadership Summit at Utah State University. There will be leadership training, free food, fun team building exercises, awesome people, and a Key Note address by H. Craig Petersen, the Mayor of Logan City.

The event takes place at the Living Learning Center, or LLC, an apartment complex between Old Main and the LDS Institute building on USU campus from 9:30a-3:00p. Registration will take place beginning at 9:30 a.m. The event itself starts with a workshop at 10 a.m., followed by the Key Note address from Petersen, lunch and a variety of service projects. The Summit will conclude at 3 p.m. 

Parking arrangements are still being worked out, but you will be able to park at stadium parking and take the USU shuttle up to the LLC. Parking passes will be available from 9:15-9:45. In order to avoid long lines and crowding the already full USU buses we strongly encourage you to carpool to campus. The driver of the car can drop those in the car off at the LLC either in the roundabout just West of the LLC or at the West entrance to the LLC parking located at 600 North and 700 East. Walk through the parking lot and take the stairs or elevator up to the ground level.

To register, visit http://tiny.cc/yls

For further questions or concerns, contact Chelsea Pinnock: pinnockc94@gmail.com. 

The Facebook page can be found at https://www.facebook.com/events/216124998585022/

Thursday, February 20, 2014

February Community Event Spotlight

Hello Cache Valley Volunteers!!!

Are you looking for an opportunity to get involved or gain some extra service hours this week?

If you answered YES to question above, there is an amazing event this Saturday- February 22nd. The Child & Family Support Center is holding their second annual SuperHero party from 10am to 12pm at Wilson Elementary. They are in need of volunteers from 9am to 1pm to help run the event. If you are interested in helping out please feel free to contact Brittany Bird at britneybird@childandfamilysupportcenter.org

If you decide that this event is just perfect for your child, and you would like to attend this event, there is a link below that will take you to the registration page for the event. This would be an excellent family friendly activity that I am sure your "little superhero" would love!

"The Child & Family Support Center is grateful for your support!  We would be unable to hold successful fundraising events without the support of great volunteers like you," said Development Coordinator Leigh Dean.