Empowering Through Education

Empowering Through Education

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Find an Inspirational quote that resonates with you!

Enjoy this note from one of my favorite Teambuilding Coaches, Michelle Cummings of Training Wheels:

I love quotes.  I always seem to trip across the exact right quote at the exact right time.  It's like the universe knows I need to hear that precise message that day.  I think one reason why I love quotes so much because they are powerful little nuggets of advice wrapped up in 1-2 lines.  When I was a counselor for troubled youth in my 20's I actually hot-glued a clear plastic window onto my backpack and would stick a different hand written 'quote of the day' in it every day.  I know there were days that the kids didn't listen to anything I had said, but maybe, just maybe, they walked behind me on the trail and was inspired by the words of a famous leader scribbled on a notecard.  I tried to be intentional with the message that might resonate with an individual or the group as a whole.

Today I use quotes weekly in my newsletters as a kick-off to whatever content I'm writing about.  I love to find quotes that are witty or funny, yet have a good message at the same time.  I probably like these the most as they fit with my personality, plus who doesn't need a good giggle in their day?  The Zig Ziglar quote at the top of this newsletter is hands-down my favorite quote of all time.  Witty, funny, yet packs a powerful message.  In a word, Brilliant.

I also like to use quotes in my programs.  Whether it be as an opener, a closer or verbally thrown in to emphasize a point, quotes just make me happy. 

What are some of your favorite quotes that you like to use?  Please share your favorite quote with us in the comments and on our facebook page located here:

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