Empowering Through Education

Empowering Through Education

Friday, May 9, 2014

Act Out Loud!

May is Global Youth Traffic Safety Month, so we want to acknowledge the Cache Valley High Schools who ended April with a big kick off to this month-long campaign of youth uniting across the country to protect teen drivers.  Each school partnered with the Cache Valley Volunteer Center, Allstate, and State Farm to organize Act Out Loud safe driving events in their communities.  Act Out Loud is a national program that provides teens an opportunity to take action that saves lives, while raising local awareness about the importance of safe teen driving.

Mountain Crest, Sky View and Logan High Schools each developed outstanding events in Hyrum, Smithfield and Logan respectively.  The Safe Teen Driving Rally at Logan High School was a fun-for-all ages event sponsored by TEAM Mentoring. The youth integrated their important message into lively student activities like riding scooters through an obstacle course while texting or wearing beer goggles to demonstrate the impact of distraction on driving.  There was also a booth where students could paint their thumbnails blue as a tangible reminder not to text and drive.  Way to go Grizzlies!

These exceptional student events were possible because of important youth leaders who played a leading role within each school and the support of our YOUth Advisory Council.  We are so grateful to our community partners like Jane Larsen of Allstate, the local volunteers from Conservice and Kohls who donated their time to help at some of these events, and our State Farm YOUth in the Driver’s Seat Grant.  These organizations actively support student leadership in the Cache Valley and understand the impact of distracted driving on public safety (especially among teens).  We are so inspired by these youth and community volunteers, and we hope you are too!

Distracted driving accidents are the number on cause of death for people under the age of 20.  11 teens die EVERY DAY from texting and driving accidents.

YOU can make a big difference by setting the example in your circle of family and friends.   Take a personal pledge to avoid distraction while driving, create a family contract not to text and drive,  ask all drivers of cars you’re a passenger in not to text and drive.

If you’re interested in making a difference in Cache Valley, consider becoming a local volunteer

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