Family Volunteer Day is a day of service that celebrates the power of families who work together to support their neighbors and neighborhoods. Each year, thousands of families use the day to teach children valuable, real-life lessons about compassion and caring. Volunteering also can be a great way for kids and adults to develop skills, learn more about their community and make friends.
This year Family Volunteer Day will be held on Saturday, November 21st. Take time to gather your family together and teach your children about the value of service. WHAT you do isn't important~ it's that you DO SOMETHING TOGETHER!
Learn more about Family Volunteer Day on the Points of Light website.
DOUBLE DOUBLE your efforts by taking time to make a short (15-30 second) video on your phone camera to enter your service activity in the Super Service Challenge!
Grab your family (any group of 2 or more works- family, friends, co-workers!) and
1. SERVE!! Anything you choose to do counts. The key is to serve together~ serve your favorite non-profit, your neighbor, even your family.
2. Create a 15-30 second video clip sharing why you served (can be up to 2 minutes, but doesn't need to be).
3. You can email the clip to and we'll do the uploading for you and post it where others can help you get more entries by voting for it (voting is not required, it just helps get more entries).
Your Family Volunteer Day service just got
DOUBLE benefits!!
Remember, you can also enter any other service activities in the Super Service Challenge. Are you helping clean-up your neighborhood for Fall prep? Volunteering with a youth group? your church? your company? It ALL COUNTS if you just create a short video for it! And it helps our local non-profits win CASH to improve services here in Cache Valley.
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