Empowering Through Education

Empowering Through Education

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Report Your Family Volunteer Day Fun and Win $1,000 Gift Card!!

Volunteer with your family, and make lasting memories!

Kick off the holiday season with loved ones and an act of kindness 
or volunteer service on Saturday, November 21st (the weekend 
before Thanksgiving).

After volunteering, tell us what you've done for a chance to win prizes,
including 3 $1000 gift cards to help with the holiday shopping
or 10 family night out packages, including dinner and a movie for four

Register here to be eligible to win! There are literally thousands of 
dollars in prizes to be given out--You could win one of 3 $1,000 gift cards or 
10 family night out packages from GenerationOn and Disney For Change,
or toys, books, gift cards, family packs, and holiday grocery baskets from
the Cache Valley Volunteer Center. 

What is Family Volunteer Day?
Family VolunteerDay is a day of service that celebrates the power

of families who work together to support their neighbors and neighborhoods. 
Each year, thousands of families use the day to

teach children valuable real-life lessons about compassion and

caring. Volunteering also can be a great way for kids and adults

to develop skills, learn more about their community and make

friends. There are numerous benefits of volunteering as a family.

Family Volunteer Day takes place on 

November 21st 2015

Kick off the holiday season with loved ones and an act of kindness or volunteer project on Saturday, November 21st (the weekend before Thanksgiving) to celebrate the 25th Annual Family Volunteer Day, brought to you by generationOn, Disney Friends for Change and the Cache Valley Volunteer Center.


Sign up for Family Volunteer Day HERE  for a chance to win a night out with your family, toys, gifts cards, books, grocery baskets, or a $1000 gift card to help you get a jump on holiday shopping!

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