Did you know that 1 out of 5, or 20%, of Cache Valley residents have a disability? When a place of business is physically accessible and your staff is educated on how to serve people of all abilities with respect, patience and dignity it can mean repeat customers for them.
Do you know where the closest, accessible bus stop is to your business?
Do you have necessary accommodations in place for someone who may push a stroller, walk, or ride their bicycle to shop at your store?
Are your aisles wide enough for wheelchairs or walkers?
Do you know how to respectfully lead a person who is visually impaired, or how to serve a customer whose caregiver accompanies them?
OPEN ACCESS is an educational program offered by Bear River Association of Governments as part of a region-wide effort to help improve access and mobility for people of all abilities in Box Elder, Cache, and Rich Counties.
The program is overseen by the Bear River Regional Access and Mobility Council, a group made up of various human service transit providers and stakeholders serving persons with disabilities, low-income individuals, and seniors.
The program offers education to local businesses on how to improve access and mobility to, and within, their business for patrons of all abilities. Businesses are visited by volunteers who generally evaluate the physical accessibility of their facility and current access to public transit accommodations for alternative modes of transportation such as biking and walking. A free 30-minute educational presentation is also offered to business staff to teach them how to improve customer service for persons with disabilities.
Learn More at http://www.bearrivermobility.org/open-access-program.html
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